We will help to find the best possible solution to your business
Contact us nowBelonging to Celsa, CELSA Nordic is the leading Nordic steel company. Through its different companies, it provides the most sustainable and climate-efficient reinforcing steel available in the market.

Environmental Product Declaration
A Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) is an independently verified and certified document that provides transparent and comparable information about the environmental impact of a product from a lifecycle perspective.
In 2012, Celsa Nordic developed their first Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for the reinforcing steel produced from Mo I Rana.
Download our EPDs:

Transparency Act at CELSA Armeringsstål and CELSA Steel Service AS.
Policy on responsible business conduct
The transparency ACT
English version
Norwegian version

Transparency Act at CELSA Armeringsstål
Policy on responsible business conduct
The transparency ACT
English version
Norwegian version
CELSA Nordic is part of Celsa International, a leading producer of low-emission, circular steel and the largest circular supply chain in Europe.
CELSA Nordic provides sustainable and climate-efficient reinforcing steel, and consists of CELSA Armeringsstål -the leading producer of reinforcing steel in the Nordic region with a smelter and a rolling mill located in Mo i Rana, cut and bend companies CELSA Steel Service in Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark, and scrap reciever CELSA Nordic Recycling that operates in Sweden. The company recycles steel scrap to produce new steel in an electric arc furnace, using the most sustainable technology available and energy based on clean, renewable hydropower.

Celsa Steel Service Oy
Leading manufacturer and distributor of reinforcement steel products in Finland.

Celsa Steel Service AS
Selling and processing reinforcement products and services to the Norwegian construction industry.

Celsa Steel Service AB
Selling and processing reinforcement products and services to the Swedish construction industry.

Celsa Steel Service A/S
Supplier of reinforcing products and know-how for the Danish construction industry.

Celsa Steel Service Oy
Leading manufacturer and distributor of reinforcement steel products in Finland.

Celsa Steel Service AS
Selling and processing reinforcement products and services to the Norwegian construction industry.

Celsa Steel Service AB
Selling and processing reinforcement products and services to the Swedish construction industry.

Celsa Steel Service A/S
Supplier of reinforcing products and know-how for the Danish construction industry.

Sustainability, Circular Economy and Recycling
The company’s firm commitment to sustainable development and the circular economy has enabled CELSA Nordic to become the second-largest recycler in the Nordic countries. This commitment is framed into Celsa philosophy, that has become the second largest recycler in Europe.